
In Order to Succeed You Have to Stay Hungry and Humble

Staying on top of our game in this competitive world is harder than ever. There’s little room for error, and there will always be someone gunning for the crown. To remain on top, we must realize that success is temporary and it’s paid daily through blood, sweat, and tears. We’re just tenants in this game, and our landlord can kick us out at a moment’s notice.

To pay our dues, we must remain hungry and humble-hearted. We must not feed into our ego and avoid believing the stories we tell ourselves. Stories that magnify our strengths while minimizing our weaknesses. It’s these tall tales that inflate our pride and have us thinking that we’re larger than life.

It’s this reason that Kanye claims to be a god and why Chad Ochocinco (retired star receiver for the Bengals) changed his name to his own number in Spanish. This tendency to let success get to our heads becomes a debilitating handicap and one which will eventually pull us under.

By buying into these stories, we end up sabotaging our psyche. We think we can slack off and still receive the same results, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s at these critical moments that we must have the awareness to step back and humble ourselves.

Realize that we’re human and that nothing lasts forever. With this attitude, we’ll be better suited to adapt to the flow of life, while capitalizing on every opportunity that presents itself. On the other hand, when we let our heads get too big we end up setting ourselves back by ostracizing others and overlooking chances to grow. We think we know it all and we stop learning.

By limiting our expansion, we soon become stagnant. While resting on our laurels, we then get surpassed by those who are hungry and willing to work.

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